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Jamie in the desert
Jamie Walker
Founder TransGlobal PPG / Pilot

Jamie dreamed of flying the world by glider as a
young child and even planned a trip at the
tender age of 11, during a stay in sickbay at
boarding school.

Now as the primary founder of the Trans Global
by Powered ParaGlider (TGPPG) Challenge, he
intends to fulfil his childhood dream.

Having lived between UK and Kenya since birth
and worked on all four main continents in both
Engineering and Business Development his
challenge driven tenacity now strives to make
the TGPPG an enjoyable spectacle for all, whilst
actively supporting one of the most worthwhile
and little known charities, SOS Global Villages.

Being Mechanically educated at Phoenix which
was expanded upon by time at Lotus in UK, to
a Safari Company owner in Kenya as well as

a national Tapping project manager of 2k
people, to most recently Business
Development in Saudi Arabia, Jamie feels
confident to successfully pilot the success of
the TGPPG.